TOTAL_WEIGHT == 30000 kg

The request has been executed successfully.

The route has been calculated with the following result: distance 956 m, travel time 149 s.

Applied ProfileXMLSnippet:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Profile xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://localhost:50030/xroute/schema/XRouteProfile.xsd">
    <Routing majorVersion="2" minorVersion="0">
                <Weight totalPermittedWeight="30000"/>
            <AdditionalDataRules enabled="true" layerName="TruckAttributes">
                <VehicleSpecific enabled="true">
                    <Malus residential="2501"/>

Distance [m]Street Name [-]Street Nr. [-]Road editor attributes [-]
31Kaunereferwee - -
234Kaunereferwee - -
255Kaunereferwee - -
282WëltzerstroossN12 -
297WëltzerstroossN12 -
344WëltzerstroossN12 -
532WëltzerstroossN12 -
673WëltzerstroossN12 -
815Duerfstrooss - -
936Am Breetfeld - -

TOTAL_WEIGHT == 2000 kg

The request has been executed successfully.

The route has been calculated with the following result: distance 956 m, travel time 149 s.

Applied ProfileXMLSnippet:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Profile xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://localhost:50030/xroute/schema/XRouteProfile.xsd">
    <Routing majorVersion="2" minorVersion="0">
                <Weight totalPermittedWeight="2000"/>
            <AdditionalDataRules enabled="true" layerName="TruckAttributes">
                <VehicleSpecific enabled="true">
                    <Malus residential="2501"/>

Distance [m]Street Name [-]Street Nr. [-]Road editor attributes [-]
31Kaunereferwee - -
234Kaunereferwee - -
255Kaunereferwee - -
282WëltzerstroossN12 -
297WëltzerstroossN12 -
344WëltzerstroossN12 -
532WëltzerstroossN12 -
673WëltzerstroossN12 -
815Duerfstrooss - -
936Am Breetfeld - -